Catherine Palmer Paton
4 min readNov 2, 2018

Half A Million have viewed Canadian Paul Hellyer’s talk About ETs on youtube since last February 2018

After watching most of a recent talk by Steven Greer on youtube about making contact with aliens which he calls Close Encounters Of the 5th Kind, I watched a talk by Paul Hellyer, a former respected Canadian Defense Leader.

On you can see this as well and which I’ll summarize briefly here: Paul Hellyer Earthshaking Confession ‘Four Alien Races are Here on Earth.’

During this time of voting in the United States in early November 2018, the Bigger Picture should be kept in mind. Thanks for taking time to skim through and keep an open mind.

What IF all of this (or even parts of it are true?) I believe they are after watching Linda Moulton Howe, Steven Greer and a few others over the past few years, and now Paul Hellyer.

Seems we’ll have ‘hell to pay’ if we don’t wake up to these key transformational ideas.

Let’s use the networks we have online and in our social circles and states to get this conversation going in a positive direction…(and remember the What IF language and more from the ET and Close Encounters movie and even Star Trek… those likely were ways to help people understand the possibilities.)

Now we need to realize what steps are needed to benefit from the greater technology for energy, healing, living and technology…and more for the human race.

Likely we need a clear curriculum to comprehend the basics from Roswell, New Mexico in the 1940s where one alien was kept alive and sent messages back to his planet 40 light years away.

President Kennedy planned for a military group to make a voyage to that planet. That occurred in the early 1960s. In Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind depicts the kind of voyage taken in the 1960s.

Paul Hellyer discloses more details about the intense screening primarily of orphaned career military or science men. He is proposing that most of the information should be revealed in a reasonable way to help more humans know what the governments know.

There are a few things that perhaps shouldn’t be revealed Paul Hellyer says since it would be too hard to comprehend.

However the military and their families have been intimidated who wanted to reveal some of the UFO and alien activity.

Power and greed are likely the real reasons for not disclosing not national security. Technology exists to help prevent the effects of the climate change travesty.

The oil industry and healing areas are keeping people in the dark as are many other aspects of society.

‘The aliens came to help us if we will let them’ is a message Paul Hellyer was given. Let’s try to pay attention and take care of what we can.

In Hellyer’s book , Jim Sparks is quoted as basically saying, ‘What do they (the ETs)want us to know?’

The ETs relayed to him that ‘We’re on the clock and are in a dire situation. The government leaders are keeping us in the dark feeling the people of earth are not read for such news…’ (my summary.)

Talk about an earth-shattering moment…to work together to PREVENT looming disaster!

Think of this Big Picture Problem when going to the polls in November 2018.

Saving the earth, decreasing dependence on fossil fuels and caring for the health of the planet and people need to be priorities. Thanks for Tuning In while we have time. (Added note in March 2023 — The global reports about the climate crisis have moved the urgent timeline to meet environmental goals to 2040 (from 2050) to help keep the earth global temperature from reaching 1.5C. We are at 1.1C now.

This decade and next are incredibly important and using all resources to get more people to choose to be part of the solution instead of ignore the problem and add to it through excess living and use of fossil fuels are key for all sectors to highlight.)

That would mean faith, government, social, school, work and international goals all aiming toward ‘slowing down to learn how to pace life and use of resources with sustainability goals in mind.

Some are feeling this will be taking away our freedom in terms of ‘living the way we want’ and even being controlled on levels of where people live and how life is conducted.

Those are all possibilities that we need to plan to consider openly rather than have a takeover situation. Global Report 2000 was a worldwide census that was mapping out the world if the world population reached 10 B….and we are at 8 Billion now. Their recommendations were to decrease population to 2 Billion for more sustainability longterm of the human race.

I haven’t looked that up in a while but will review and again if more people have some understanding that very few people seem to be ‘in control’ of what big decisions are made, and the timeline is such that it’s maybe planned well before we see the outcomes, more people would want to learn. After COVID and with the internet, plenty has been discussed (even if not on the mainstream media.)

Marianne Williamson ran for the US Presidency in 2020 and is doing so again for 2024. She educates and shares key ideas that few are willing to raise.

Hopefully Americans can take time to learn what is being shared and find ways to listen to one another’s overall concerns and options to work together going forward as a country and as world team players.

Women and children around the world need help and support, as do men and others in positions of power with better education, skills and resources to make strides toward sharing leadership in meaningful ways at all levels.

Explore the Possibilities even if you feel it’s too late, too crazy, too serious or otherwise. See what happens with a little open mindedness, amnesty for all who have not been able or willing to be honest and share important ideas or even be fair minded.

We are all connected and many say the shift is occurring in our hearts than then in our minds. We’ll catch up with ourselves…and hopefully in a timely, orderly manner. Shine the light and don’t give up the fight!

Catherine Palmer Paton
Catherine Palmer Paton

Written by Catherine Palmer Paton

Catherine Palmer Paton of CT is the mom of a heroic teen son Kaelan who passed saving his friends from dangerous water in 2009. Writing on also.

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