Happy 50th to me (and about a million others on May 14th and everyother day!)

Catherine Palmer Paton
3 min readOct 14, 2020

Submitted by livfully

on Thu, 05/23/2013–16:17

What’s it like to turn 50 on May 14th, 2013? Only a percentage of 9 million can tell you from personal experience.
For you cyberfolks, how many of the 9 million with the 5–14 birthday are likely turning 50 in 2013? Is there a website that would do that math for me?

I get excited thinking that Mark Zuckerberg also had a birthday May 14th, and by the way, how old is he? (Okay so now in 2020 I feel I have to add a note of extra healing prayer for all things FB and M Zuckerberg…so hope this can be looked at as historical document.)In his 20s but maybe early 30s? Sorry to not know, but again, that I could google, and Happy Birthday to Everybuddy on this Plan-It, to those who have graduated and those who are about to be born (how cool is that to start Welcoming Babies before they get here!)

Learn more about the value of doing so on a youtube video and site called “from Womb to World”. I heard this amazing speaker at www.srutiyoga.com in Great Barrington MA..what a wonderful way to embrace my birth month for the 50th time. She shared how key it is to consider one’s birth experience as it can influence us for life more profoundly than we ever realized, especially collectively. I’ll share more another time, but this has been a blessed momth for me.

I spoke with Terah Cox on the phone ordering Birth Angels for 12 good dollars from www.heavenandearthworks.com She shared that many troubles coming our way are to allow healing of old issues, so not to fear and freeze but to allow and ‘birth new ways of being in the world, with greater compassion and trust in the angelic or healing and helping realms. Big hugs to all for their inner child, for their parents and ancestors who all had their journeys to inform us at this special time of opportunity and challenge locally and globally.

See www.350.org to learn how we can grow in calm, sustainable ways in our hearts, minds and bodies to help our plan-it help US-All pull through these next critical decades. Be kind to yourself and others, Keep things in balance and make good wishes before you blow out your birthday candles!

Stay tuned for a new Calandar for Everybuddy coming this June 2013, right here in part if not in full. Looking for helpers to get this new collective celebration calendar where each person of every age gets a special day as do those of a similar decade (the teens, the 20s, the 30s, the 40s, the 50s, the 60s, the 70s, the 80s , the 90s, and the 100s, the 110s, and up too!) Wasn’t that fun to see even in part? We’re really ‘all in the same boat, a life boat of love and wisdom, floating in a Uni-Verse of song, sun and life..let US-All make the most of it, and not rock the boat too much!)


Happy 50th Birthday

May 2013



Catherine Palmer Paton

Catherine Palmer Paton of CT is the mom of a heroic teen son Kaelan who passed saving his friends from dangerous water in 2009. Writing on Livfully.org also.