Hello-o-o Medium.com Friends from moi here at medium.com/@livfully. I have to remember I have this awesome site thanks to much more tech-savvy soul directing me thisaway.

Catherine Palmer Paton
2 min readJun 27, 2018


Meanwhile I’ve found myself nesting at my old digs, at www.livfully.org so please come see what I’ve been up to over thataway. Okay, enough with the ‘new blended one words’ to catch your attention before you think I’m allowing Typos and being lazy about correcting them.

After reading A Search for The Truth be Ruth (yes, I like that her name rhymes with truth) Montgomery (which just ‘happened’ to be the character’s name of the Bewitched actress Samantha who played a modern day, in this regular world witch..with a mother and daughter who both had that magical touch as well though married to a regular human who accepted her “spells and all”.

How that was allowed on television without the hoopla that Harry Potter and other modern day tales of What IF (and maybe even it’s not all child’s play so here’s A Fair Warning..to be careful of treading on ‘unknown ground’ and use wise counsel and support from trusted grounded friends..that would not be ‘underground networks to the point of creepy or harmful with codes of silence and secrecy which often covers up not such good intentions… — is that ringing a bell for any in ‘special private groups, sects, or other major networks from the past, present or to cover our bases, future or ‘elsewhere’? )

If you’ve heard of Derek Prince who was on the radio as a Christian scholar and theologian, he’d stay ‘steer clear’ of anything not clearly Christ-centered…that concurs with the basic ten commandments (although he shared I think that if someone is divorced not due to their own desire…or maybe if it weren’t necessary for safety etc, then remarriage was okay.

He married a woman, possibly named Ruth now that I think of it, who had been divorced under terms not of her own making. I include that now since many people from devout Catholics and other faiths and cultures take marriage to the first person one will or wants to have ‘marital relations with’..ie sex including intercourse, as a deeply spiritual and moral commitment.

The children which come to such a union also can be held in a strong light. That is not be all inclusive of all scenarios but just to consider these important matters around the world. More to come on this when I have time.. need to tend to my own health…summer colds are not for pansies!



Catherine Palmer Paton
Catherine Palmer Paton

Written by Catherine Palmer Paton

Catherine Palmer Paton of CT is the mom of a heroic teen son Kaelan who passed saving his friends from dangerous water in 2009. Writing on Livfully.org also.

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