One on Mon October 1st (and each month thereafter) — Get Ready, Set, Go!

Catherine Palmer Paton
5 min readOct 14, 2020

Submitted by livfully

on Mon, 09/24/2012–22:54

What’s happening at 1 on Monday October 1st in the afternoon?

We’ll find out soon for 2012 for “Oak”tober, and can discover anew what we think, feel, appreciate and aspire to on NOvember 1st (Remembering to VOTE for the new President now in 2020 too, and including a sense of what we do Not want to pursue or support or be impacted by personally, locally and globally, then to recall again the YES list for December 1st, and on into 2013 (and now into 2020) from January 1st, February 1st, and March 1st.,

Then there’s April 1st (a very special day to remember those who have crossed over in the Tibetan religion, somewhat like the All Souls’ Day on November 1st — or the Mexican Day of the Dead (Dia de las Muertes which is near Halloween, Oct.31st).

Consider May 1st (celebrated in festive ways as May Day in many cultures), June 1st which follows Memorial Day of Veterans who have died, but by extension again can include reflection for all who have passed, their families and towns who miss them and for our collective journeys to be community in times of peace and conflict, June 1st and then July 1st (which is very close to our American July 4th Day the Declaration of Independence was signed.

Next up would be August 1st, September 1st (which likely will bring more reflection to the infamous date of 9–11, a reminder of emergencies and the need for preparedness and teamwork throughout the year again, for each person, household, school and work place, town, city, state and country).

Why start becoming more tuned in and aware of the Beginnings of the Months, the seasons of our year and lives, and the rhythm of life?

We are inundated with media and holiday hype, and rather than feel at the mercy of the advertisers, traditions and seasonal climate and demands, we can see the world with new eyes and take time to connect with our ‘inner acorn’, listen to the ‘still, small voice’, our breath and hear(t)beat, the earth with its natural beauty and cycles of morning, afternoon, evening and night with time to look up at the night sky, see the stars g(listening) light from thousands of light years away…and feel that we are part of the cosmos, the divine matrix (the book by Gregg Braden is worth a google) and we are truly valuable individually and of course, collectively.

Whether taking only a few minutes or hour or more to ‘take note of the newness of each day, month and season of nature and life, collectively it will add up to a new sense of sharing our time together in a meaningful way.

Find a way to personalize your experience for yourself and perhaps with one or more.Light a candle, enjoy a meal indoors or out, take a walk, find a way to listen to your dreamer self, and encourage someone to share their visions as well. Art, poetry, music and more are ways to embrace our human race to help every buddy slow down and relax…this Oak-tober and onward through the coming months and years. Let US-All hear from you, a line or more about what you think of this eye-dea (a new way to lOOk at the months and anticipate good things coming your way, nice people connecting with you onlne (see and other positive sites and TV or radios shows — such as on (National Public Radio)

. I’ll be hosting an open house in my Turtle Garden near the home my parents built and reared a large family in over the past fifty years, and remembering those of our cirlce who have transitioned to the next realm, including my Mom and Dad, my teen son, my brother and many more relatives, friends and community members, and even ‘family of the heart, like Princess Diana and Mother Teresa, who passed near summer’s end.

We have more family of the heart we can build our lives with to make the world a friendlier, more functional place..and welcome the new souls and newcomers to our communities and groups…why not? Einstein and many others say our hopes and expectations paint our realities, so let’s give it our best daydreaming and intentions!

In MA, there’s WBRC 97.7 fm, I think, with good shows, check the first Tues of the month at 11 or Noon, and a book called Through Another’s Eyes I heard about on that show). Tell others what you do to feel better when life’s getting a bit hectic or there’s a Problem Pile0Up.

Be open to having a Team of Support for daily and monthly issues and events, then the year should take care of itself fairly well. Realistically, simplifying one’s life with less mess, less stress see or com) and fewer activities that are not optional makes good sense. Lend a hand while still on hand to help someone, and hopefully the good vibes will come right back atcha when you need it.

Thanks for being yourself Be-you-to-be-full Beautiful! Peace and hugs, how about you give your good sElf one for US-All and me right now. Next time you look in a mirror, tell yourself “‘Hi, you’re Beautiful!”. Feel the truth of that through and through. That’s something my teen son Kaelan would tell many a friend and folks whether in school, at a contra dance or in passing..

.He’s not around to say it himself, but I trust he approves of me sharing his message..ann has felt the echoes of hundreds saying that to him heavenside as we first heard of his passing, trying to save a friend from a wild river, at his memorial service filled with much music and love a month later, and even a few years later as his classmates are starting college and others finding their way in the world…not without him but with him in their hearts and likely at their sides seeking their safety and well-being on all levels, which is what I and all of his family do as well.

Good vibes and support to one and all as they face life’s challenges and opportunities internally and out there in the big world. Big Love and Big Hugs this October 1st (okay, a bit earlier even) and bee-yond…keep buzzing with the love, wouldja?


fresh starts

first steps


big love and hugs



Catherine Palmer Paton

Catherine Palmer Paton of CT is the mom of a heroic teen son Kaelan who passed saving his friends from dangerous water in 2009. Writing on also.